Hot House West is an exciting ensemble whose mission is to celebrate the timeless allure of swing rhythm. Founded in Salt Lake City in 2011, the band cultivates a one-of-a-kind personality blending the virtuosic yet soulful music of Django Reinhardt with their western roots and American swing influence.
The band has become a tight-knit community of some of the country’s top-tier jazz musicians, and the friendship and community spirit they share is immediately palpable. Group vocals, audience interaction, masterful improvisation, and a ceaseless swinging pocket keep audiences smiling, laughing, and tapping their feet from the first note to the last.
The Hot House West Quartet consists of two guitars (Nathan Royal, James Martak), bass (Alex Rowe), and clarinet (Kale Stiles); harkening back to the traditional sounds of Django Reinhardt and the Hot Club of Paris. The dynamic interplay of the clarinet and lead guitar balanced by the driving pulse of the rhythm guitar and bass creates an unforgettable swing experience for the listener.
Upcoming Performances:
Jun 9 – Floating Concert: Water, Rocks, and Jazz
Jun 10 – Family Music Hike
Jun 10 – Garden Benefit Concert
Jun 11 – MMF High Water Community Concert