Mark Stewart, guitar

Mark is a multi-instrumentalist, singer, song leader, composer and instrument designer heard around the world performing old and new music. Since 1998 he has recorded and toured as guitarist and Musical Director with Paul Simon.  A founding member of the Bang on a Can All-Stars & the Polygraph Lounge with keyboard & theremin wizard Rob Schwimmer, Mark has also worked with Steve Reich, Sting, Anthony Braxton, Bob Dylan, Wynton Marsalis, Meredith Monk, David Krakauer & Klezmer Madness, Stevie Wonder, Phillip Glass, Iva Bittova, Geoffrey Holder, Bruce Springsteen, Terry Riley, Ornette Coleman, Don Byron, Joan Baez, Hugh Masakela, Paul McCartney, Cecil Taylor, Ani DiFranco, Bill Frisell, Jimmy Cliff, the Everly Brothers, Steve Gadd, Fred Frith, Alison Krauss, Bobby McFerrin, David Byrne, James Taylor, The Roches, Aaron Neville, Bette Midler, and Marc Ribot. He is the inventor of the WhirlyCopter, a bicycle-powered Pythagorean choir of singing tubes and the Big Boing, a 24 ft. sonic banquet table Mbira that seats 30 children playing 490 found objects, and is a Visiting Lecturer in musical instrument design at MIT.  Mark is also a curator at MASS MoCA of the immersive Gunnar Schonbeck exhibit of musical instruments and co-founder, with his partner in sound and life Karen Curlee, of soundstewArt inc. a company that designs immersive sound environments & community music making experiences for all. 

Upcoming Performances:

Sep 7 – Robert Black: A Joyful Musical Life from the Bass Line

Sep 8 – Sips & Sounds